Dental emergencies are urgent procedures that are performed in cases of accidents or severe pain.
Many people think that going to the dentist once they have experienced severe dental pain is synonymous with extraction.Many people think that going to the dentist once they have experienced severe dental pain is synonymous with extraction. There are even people who seek to have a dental extraction done in order to quickly relieve the discomfort they feel.
However, the treatment that is performed during dental emergencies is not always extraction. First, an evaluation of the case is made in order to determine the course of action to follow and, if possible, save the tooth.
In this article, we’ll explain what happens during an emergency dental appointment and what to expect.
Dental Clinic in Marbella
What happens during a dental emergency
When to request an emergency appointment?
This type of appointment is generally reserved for situations that require urgent assistance.
Most of the time it is the product of the sudden onset of severe dental pain, one that is capable of interfering with the normal development of daily activities and that forces the individual to consume medications to relieve pain.
However, emergency appointments can also be granted in cases of accidents where dental fractures are involved or even when problems with a prosthesis occur, such as the dislodgement of a temporary crown.
Dental Clinic in Marbella
What happens during a dental emergency
What does the dentist do at the appointment?
The first thing the professional does is carry out an exhaustive analysis of the case to achieve an accurate diagnosis. This is done through clinical and radiographic evaluation if necessary, starting treatment immediately after determining the diagnosis.
Dental extraction is indicated in cases where the tooth is highly compromised and its rehabilitation is not possible. However, in most cases, the teeth can be saved with resin restorations or crowns and the treatment performed during the consultation will be focused on relieving pain while preparing the case for adequate rehabilitation.
Dental Clinic in Marbella
What happens during a dental emergency
How is the pain relieved?
There are multiple ways to do it. However, the two most common are through a restoration or a procedure called a pulpectomy.
Many times, in cases where the injury is not very extensive, a simple restoration is enough to relieve the pain. However, when the lesions permanently affect the dental nerve, it is necessary to remove it with a pulpectomy.
Dental Clinic in Marbella
What happens during a dental emergency
How is a pulpectomy done?
Local anesthesia is first applied to carry out the procedure without discomfort.
Then, the dentist opens a small hole in the tooth until reaching the pulp chamber where the nerve resides using the handpiece. Once adequate access is achieved, the nerve is removed and the interior of the chamber is cleaned.
To finish, the dentist places a small ball of sterile cotton impregnated with a medication that helps heal and improve symptoms and closes the access hole to the pulp chamber with a provisional restorative material.
It is essential to understand that a pulpectomy is an emergency procedure performed solely for immediate pain relief. To rehabilitate the tooth after a pulpectomy, it is mandatory to do a root canal treatment and later a definitive restoration such as a crown.
However, emergency appointments are the best solution to quickly relieve pain or solve dental problems that must be attended to immediately to avoid complications.
However, they generally function as a short-lived quick fix to improve the patient’s condition while definitive treatment is performed for proper rehabilitation.
If you have a problem that needs to be treated urgently, do not hesitate to contact us and we will give you the dental health you deserve.