Millions of people in the world enjoy sweets and treats thanks to the large number of options and existing flavors.
Despite the fact that sweets are known to have a high caloric content and be harmful to oral health, not all of them comply with this scheme and some offer certain benefits.
For a long time, it has been mentioned that chewing gum, also called chewing gum, belongs to this special group of treats and that chewing it can improve your oral health.
In this article, we will talk about chewing gum and its properties.
Is it good to chew gum?
Is it good to chew gum?
How can a candy be good for health?
Chewing gums have a series of characteristics and compounds that are totally different from other sweets. These special features help protect your teeth and keep your mouth healthy.
However, not all chewing gums are the same and capable of offering such a protective effect. Sugar gum is just as harmful as other sweets. For this reason, it is essential to chew only the sugar-free versions to prevent diseases such as cavities.
Some chewing gums contain a compound called xylitol, a sugar substitute characterized by its anticariogenic effect and its ability to reduce the levels of harmful bacteria in the mouth.
Among the main benefits of chewing gum are:
Is it good to chew gum?
Is it good to chew gum?
Helps remove food debris
The chewing gums are sticky and moldable, this allows them to trap and remove food remains that have been trapped between the teeth and those places where the toothbrush cannot reach after eating.
In this way, it is possible to prevent gingivitis or inflammation of the gums and reduce the risk of developing cavities by eliminating the nutrients of cariogenic bacteria.
However, it is vital to understand that chewing gum only acts as an aid and cannot be used as a substitute for brushing or flossing.
Is it good to chew gum?
Is it good to chew gum?
Increases saliva flow
Chewing gum stimulates the salivary glands and thus increases saliva production.
First of all, saliva is an essential element within the oral cavity, since it is the main natural protector against cavities. The level of acidity in the mouth increases after eating due to bacteria, helping to demineralize tooth enamel and eventually leading to cavities.
Therefore, saliva acts as a regulating agent, which not only helps reduce the number of acid-producing bacteria, but also regulates the pH, restoring mineral balance and preventing cavities.
improves breath
A large number of chewing gums have minty and refreshing flavors. This helps combat bad breath, especially after eating.
However, it is not a definitive solution to problems of halitosis or chronic bad breath. Chewing gum under these conditions only helps to mask the odor momentarily.
However, chewing gum with xylitol is an excellent way to protect your teeth and reduce the chance of developing cavities and gingivitis by consuming a piece of candy.
Chewing gum is capable of giving you fresh breath while helping to clean your teeth. However, they cannot be used as a substitute for traditional hygiene care and only sugar-free gum offers these benefits.
If you want to keep your mouth healthy and have a treat, xylitol gum is your best option.